Friday, November 9, 2012

Investing Your Money in Today's Market

Wow, I am reading Aftershock Investor.  Concerning your comfort and happiness, there is nothing more important than protecting your hard earned savings.  And this book is quite an eye opener.  It was just published late summer 2012, so is current, and I encourage all who stumble upon my blog to read this!  Request it from your library, as I did, or buy it now!

Essentially, it made no difference who won the election, as far as our economy goes. There is too much money being printed and we will all have to face the piper sooner (now) or later (next 3-4 years). This book talks about the bubbles that have already broken (real estate, etc) and the remaining two that will break soon.

There are recommendations on how to protect your money. I am still reading and just stopped to post this, as everyone needs to have this information.

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